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The Importance of AI in Education

jane dassel apiag
2024-05-05 21:21:46
Al, like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Midjourney, and Canva, is becoming a big part of our lives, changing how we work and learn. Schools should teach Al to all students, especially those who might be left out.Al can change education by making learning more personal and helping teachers. It can also help students with special needs and make learning fun with games and immersive experiences. Al can also help people who speak different languages work together.Learning Al is important because it helps us understand technology better and think critically. It can also help us get jobs in technology and come up with new ideas. Al education should include everyone to make sure everyone's ideas are heard and to fight unfair treatment in technology.Teaching Al to everyone can help close gaps in opportunities and make Al development more creative and inclusive. It can also help underrepresented communities use technology for good and have a say in how technology is used.

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