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Breakthroughs in Science and Technology

2024-05-08 02:57:07
Did you know that the first computer virus was created in 1983? Fred Cohen, a computer scientist, developed the virus as an experiment to demonstrate the potential risks of cybersecurity. The virus, known as Brain, infected MS-DOS systems by replacing the boot sector of 5.25-inch floppy disks. Speaking of viruses, the first ever computer worm was released in 1988. Known as the Morris Worm, it was created by Robert Tappan Morris, a graduate student at Cornell University. The worm spread rapidly through the early internet, infecting thousands of computers and causing significant downtime. In 1990, the World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee as a way to easily access and share information on the internet. This invention revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves today. Moving forward to 2007, Apple introduced the very first iPhone, forever changing the landscape of mobile technology. The iPhone combined a phone, iPod, and internet communication device into one sleek package, setting the standard for smartphones for years to come. These breakthroughs in science and technology have shaped the way we live our lives today, highlighting the rapid advancements and innovations that continue to drive progress in our modern world.

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