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Hi every one ! my name is Moha

Mohammed chamali
2024-04-30 05:05:16
Hi every one ! my name is Mohammed chamalee and I’m photographer.The photos you are watching are from a beautiful city named Chefshawen Moroccan people also give her the name of “the blue city”“Chefshawen: The Azure Splendor of the Mountains”In the folds of the Rif Mountains in morocco, where time slips away and skies merge with the earth, lies a city of rare beauty. Chefshawen, the sapphire city, emerges like a shooting star, illuminating the souls of travelers.The streets here are a poem in blue. Azure, electric, or turquoise blue melds into the walls, the doors, the very essence of its inhabitants. It’s as if the sky itself spilled its palette upon this city. To wander these streets is to float in a celestial ocean, where every corner reveals a new shade.And then there are the facades. In this city the houses wear their history on their walls. Blue, a symbol of purity and spirituality, adorns each building. Shutters, balconies, windows—all invite contemplation. The blue facades are like living canvases, where light dances to the rhythm of the wind.

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